Two of my books are 2023 Maggie Finalist!
Exciting bookish news!
Two of my novels, Two Wishes and The Donor, are finalists in the Pre-Published 2023 Maggie Awards hosted by Georgia Romance Writers. They're in the pre-published category, meaning they aren't contracted / aren't yet available to read.
Writing can sometimes be fraught with anxious thoughts. At least for me, I spend a lot of time wondering if a reader will enjoy what I write. Actually, my thoughts usually go something more like: Who will want to read this? Will anyone want to read this??? I so appreciate opportunities like the Maggie Awards to get feedback from seasoned writers. And being a finalist in a contest is icing on the cupcake. Hmmm. Maybe I should make cupcakes to celebrate! I'll post them on Instagram!
Since you're here, you might already have read my novella One Night at Hilltop Manor, but if not, you can get it here for free!
Another of my works in progress, Blue Serenity, was a 2022 Maggie Award finalist.
As some of you know, the last several years have brought many personal challenges to our family. Here is one of the posts I wrote during that time:
A lot of health issues and things that meant my writing had to take a back seat. I kept writing in small moments like sitting in the waiting rooms for doctor appointments, but had to stop pursuing publication. Then 2020 hit and the world changed. I did some editing and rewriting on all my projects.
The Donor needed a technology update, and a redo on the beginning. Two Wishes needed a change in the magic system. As for Blue Serenity ... it's always been a project I loved, but I always thought I could do more with it. During the winter of 2020-2021, I rewrote the entire thing (twice-ha!) and ended up with a very different story, one I love all the more.
If you are in need of encouragement today, just know it's never too late to keep going. Detours are going to happen, but like that tortoise from the fable, slow and steady can at least finish the race. In fact, don't make it a race. Just go at your own pace.
Thanks for being on this journey with me.
Don't forget to get your free copy of my novella One Night at Hilltop Manor. Two sisters on holiday are forced to wait out a storm at a nightmarish B&B … Will they make it out alive?