About Jennifer
Storyteller. Mischief Maker. Aspiring Ninja-Jedi Princess
Hi there! I’m Jenn!
I’m an award-winning author who writes books about kissing, magic, and heroines who kick things.
When not writing? I bake cookies and eat them.
I’m so glad you’re here!
Do you remember the first story that really moved you?
I still recall the first time I saw The Empire Strikes Back. The lightsaber duel, the shocking revelation, R2 vs Yoda (machine vs magic), and of course, Chewie, the ultimate BFF.
That original trilogy transported us all to another galaxy where we became Jedi heroes and Jedi Princess saving the day and rescuing poor, abused Rancors from evil overlords.
Aside from my mind living in another galaxy, everywhere I went, I refused to go without a book. Back then, we had no iPhones and no Kindle apps, so we chose purses based on how many paperbacks they would hold. But on the occasions I found myself with no reading material, no problem. I reworked books I’d read, changing and morphing the stories into something new. Fun, but that made paying attention to the real world difficult. I mean, where’s the romance in geometry proofs?
A few of my favorites you might already love:
Star Wars, of course. That original trilogy changed the world.
Avatar, the Last Airbender. In my opinion, this might be one of the greatest stories ever told. (Ahem…don’t tell Star Wars.) Zuko might be my favorite character of all time. And who doesn’t love Uncle???
The Princess Bride – That sword duel. Inigo! Westley! The battle of wits. “As you wish”…one of the most romantic lines EVER! The book is great, but the movie is in a class all by itself.
Sherlock – I love the many iterations of Sherlock Holmes, including the TV show Psych. The BBC show was twisty, irreverent, and did I mention Benedict Cumberbatch??? He and Martin Freeman were brilliant. If you’re a fan of Mr. Holmes, there’s a super cute middle grade series by Elizabeth Eulberg beginning with The Great Shelby Holmes.
Speaking of middle grade books, Percy Jackson! I love both the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus series. The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune are touching, hilarious, and just downright fun.
Terry Pratchett – a brilliant and hilarious British satirist who penned the Discworld series. If you’ve never read his books, check out this guide to his amazing world.
Harry Potter. Of course. I remember the agonizing wait for each new installment. We would go to the bookstore at midnight and wait in line to get our reserved copies. I couldn’t wait to start reading until I got home, so I’d read with a flashlight while hubs drove.
Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. Atmospheric and those stakes. Only one can win, but you’re rooting for both Puck and Sean. A loss for either is tragic. The audio version is superb.
Wonder Woman. I’ve always been a fan. Both Lynda Carter and Gal Gadot have brought so much charm and strength to this beloved character. (I didn’t see WW 1984.) If you ever need a good laugh, check out the “Kid Stuff” episode of Justice League Unlimited where Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman have to become eight-year-olds to fight the villain.
The Book of Esther. This short historical book is found in the Old Testament and features a young woman in an unfair situation who models faith, courage, compassion, and cleverness. She is my hero.
Chocolate. It might not be a story, but it goes perfect with almost anything.
Official Bio
Jennifer Dyer is a multiple-award-winning author who spent her childhood aspiring to be a ninja-Jedi-princess. Since she can’t wield a lightsaber or run a four-minute mile, she writes action-packed speculative fiction spanning from high-tech thrillers to swoony romantasy and space opera, plus some cozy fantasy on the side. Expect kissing, some sort of magic, and lots of kicking.
Her short story, The Midnight Requirement Is featured in the #1 bestselling Meet Me at Midnight anthology.
Jennifer loves to inspire readers with second chances, found family, and stories of redemption. When she’s not penning adventures or tripping because she refuses to put down a good book, she does the bidding of her pack of rescue greyhounds and a Sith-Lord cat. She posts a lot about books and baking, but the cat usually inserts himself into everything since the world revolves around him. Her thriller duology is coming from Quill & Flame Books in 2026. You can connect with her on Instagram @JennDyerBooks.

Good question. As I am an omnivore as a reader, I’ve tried out some different genres as a writer as well. Many of us love or at least connect to fairy tales, and even without trying to, I usually find a fairy-tale twist hidden in my plots, especially elements of Beauty and the Beast and Rapunzel. Here are a few mashups I hope you’ll enjoy:
Beauty & the Beast meets Star Wars.
Young-adult hacker thrillers with a Rapunzel vibe – what?!?.
Zany, adventurous middle grade featuring tall tale characters in the modern world.
Twilight Zone meets a certain fashion doll who has a lot of pink accessories in a dream-nightmare house.
Your favorite romcoms (who else loves Sandra B and Reese W?!) mashed up with meddling fairy godmothers.
And more to come!
The human experience is one fraught with highs and lows, friendship and betrayal, love and loss, joy and grief, and fiction is a place where we can experience the gambit of human emotions to find hope, healing, laughter. It’s even a place where we get to express or understand our anger.
I write for those of you who, like me, love to fall in love and to kick butt. For those of you who not only dreamed, but absolutely KNEW you could grow up to be a ninja-Jedi princess, taking on baddies and rescuing wounded dragons and princes. I hope to take you on magical adventures, sometimes by horse, car, spaceship, wings, and occasionally rattlesnakes flying on stardust.
I hope to give you a place to laugh and cry, a place to find family and friends…a place where you overcome the toughest obstacles, where you find first and second and millionth chances, and where you discover a place to belong.
And if you also love chocolate? Bonus!
Come on in. You are home.
I love animals, especially dogs, and have a Greyhound addiction. We currently have two along with a very sarcastic cat and a not-quite-kitten who’s never met something she couldn’t attack. Be sure to join us on Instagram for more shenanigans and antics.