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Do you want to find more great reads? Or are you an author who wants to sell more books? What about an author looking to use crowdfunding resources such as Kickstarter to put out quality products? OR… are you wondering what is Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is a site for crowdfunding, which is basically a way to get people to invest in your products and allows you to take that product to print. But one of the truly unique and fun parts about Kickstarter are the extra perks. You can get special editions of books, extra “backer” (people who buy the upcoming products) “perks” such as bonus books, swag, and more. Still have questions? Check out this one:

Speaking of CJ Milacci… Whether you’re interested in finding or selling more books, CJ Milacci can help. She’s not only a powerhouse indie author who writes great reads, but today she’s sharing her expertise on running successful Kickstarter campaigns and ranking high on Amazon sales list with her indie pubbed Talionis series. I first met CJ a year ago in Author Media’s Book Launch Blueprint class and was impressed by her understanding of marketing and indie publishing. Here’s a bit more about her.

CJ Milacci writes stories for teens and young adults with heart-pounding action and hope. As a referee, she’s always relearning the hard lesson that it’s impossible to make everyone happy, and she’s discovered that stories can be found anywhere, even on a lacrosse field. She’s passionate about crafting stories of good overcoming evil, finding hope in the midst of seemingly hopeless circumstances, and true acceptance. 

JD: You’ve been busy! Give us an update on how things went with the launch and sales of your first book, Recruit of Talionis. (Get it here!)

CJ: Yes, it has been a busy time! Recruit of Talionis launched on November 3rd, 2022 and it was one of those incredible whirlwinds where it feels like your head is just spinning by the time you’re done. It hit #1 New Release in three different Amazon categories (and was listed in the top ten in others), ranked high for several keywords, showed up in the first page of Amazon results for Teen and Young Adult Books, and, in one category, it ranked right under one of Brandon Sanderson’s YA sci-fi books. Which was crazy.

But my favorite part of the whole thing was hearing from readers who read the book and loved it (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I finished it in two days”! It’s not a short book, so I am seriously impressed by this lol).

JD: And you have more in store for your fans! Tell us about your upcoming project.

My upcoming/current project is book two in the Talionis Series: Fugitive of Talionis. It picks up where Recruit of Talionis left off and now Bria and her friends are on the run and being hunted by Talionis.

A treacherous journey. A devious enemy. The hunt for the fugitives has begun.

Bria Averton and her friends have pulled off an impossible escape after being held captive in the city of Talionis for months. However, they’re still not free.

Now they’re on the run and desperate to reach possible allies in Eryndale, but the Commander’s hunt for them is fierce and relentless.

Bria fights to keep her friends safe as each day becomes more perilous than the last. With Ark’s forces closing in and new dangers arising, she wonders who to trust and battles her growing fears.

But one reality becomes clear: there’s a greater peril than being a recruit of Talionis. It’s being a fugitive.

JD: How long did it take you to write Fugitive of Talionis? Would you recommend having the second book in a series written before you launch the first one?

It took me less time to write Fugitive of Talionis than it did Recruit of Talionis, in part because I’ve learned to write faster and better. But, because I had written book two before I received all my edits for book one, I ended up needing to make some major changes. So overall, book two has taken about a year I think.

I think it’s wise to know where the series is going before you launch book one and to have a plan for how you’re going to move forward with the writing (if you don’t have book two written when book one launches). It can be so easy to get caught up in marketing, spreading the word about book one, etc., and forget to actually write book two.

JD: What’s next for the Talionis series?

Ah, so many fun things! Right now I’m running a Kickstarter for Fugitive of Talionis, but this Kickstarter is also the place where you can order the audiobook for book one AND place your order to be the first to receive a Talionis Series Novella (which I’m super excited about). At this point, the Talionis Series looks like it will be 4 novels (plus several short stories and at least one novella), but I have a couple spin-off series in mind as well that I’m really excited to explore.

JD: You’re running an amazing and successful Kickstarter campaign. How fast did it fund? What happens next?

 Yes, the Kickstarter has been incredible so far! It funded on day one and we received the “Project We Love” badge from Kickstarter, which was so exciting. It will run until April 20th, and after that I’ll be working on fulfilling the orders of everyone who is a backer. My backers will be the first to receive Fugitive of Talionis (they’ll get it this summer, months before it releases anywhere else), the Audiobook for Recruit of Talionis (if they ordered it), and the new novella.

After I’ve finished fulfilling the Kickstarter campaign (i.e. sending all my backers their rewards), I’ll be working on writing book three and preparing for the official launch of book two everywhere else later this year.  

JD: What advice would you give to authors considering that route?

I absolutely love seeing books available on Kickstarter, but I do have to say that it’s a lot of work. My biggest piece of advice is to really learn as much as you can about the platform and how Kickstarter works before you run your own campaign. Back other projects, connect with others who have run successful campaigns and talk to them about it, see what you like and what works…and what doesn’t. Know what you’re getting into as much as possible before diving in. It can be easy to get really excited about the idea and dive in, only to find you bit off more than you can chew. Which can be very discouraging.

But all that to say, I think it would be amazing to see more great stories on Kickstarter!

JD: Anything you’d do differently next time?

I’m always looking for ways to tweak and perfect my process, so I’m sure there will be things I do differently next time. The middle of the campaign is always tough because it slows down, so I’m looking for ways to share about it and encourage people to dive in.

JD: You’ve been a guest on several podcasts and blogs. Any tips for authors on booking those spots?

I am so grateful for the different experiences I’ve been able to have on those podcasts and blogs. My biggest piece of advice is to look for ways to bring value to the audience of the podcast or blog you’re guesting on. How can you serve the host and the listeners/readers? What can you provide for them that will be fun or enrich their lives or teach them something new? When you go in with that mindset, it helps take away some of the nerves of pitching the hosts because you know you’re coming in with something that will benefit them and their audience.

JD: Did Kickstarter bring in new readers for you?

Yes it did! Kickstarter has its own “fanbase” so to speak. Those people who love Kickstarter and, essentially, “shop” on there to find new products and books.

JD: Any tips on building a newsletter list?

I have found AuthorsXP to be a great resource. They run different giveaways and promos that authors can join for a very reasonable price and I’ve added hundreds of new subscribers that way. Another great option is using sites like BookFunnel or StoryOrigin.

JD: Any advice for pre-published writers?

Surround yourself with community. Writing can feel like such a lonely occupation if all you do is spend time in front of your computer drafting stories. But I think the best stories are born out of community and connection with other authors, beta readers, and editors. Connect with writer’s groups, join accountability groups, participate in discussions, take courses, go to conferences. Let your community grow. 🙂

Connect with CJ:


Instagram: @cjmilacci





Want to keep in touch? Here’s her newsletter:

Don’t forget her Kickstarter! The fun ends April 20, 2023.

Missed the first Kickstarter for RECRUIT OF TALIONIS? No problem! Get the book here.

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